Assessment of Loss of Ecosystem Service Value under Sea-level Rise: A Case Study of Shekou Peninsula in Shenzhen 海平面上升的生态损失评估&以深圳市蛇口半岛为例
Application of assessment of economic loss of qingdao sea area by concentration-value loss factor Damage Detection of Steel Bridge Based on Acceleration Power Spectral Density 基于浓度-价值损失率法的青岛海域水污染价值损失研究加速度功率谱密度在钢桥损伤检测中的应用
This paper builds an assessment framework of the loss value in sudden environmental accidents in view of the assessment of whole society loss value. 从全社会损失价值评估的角度出发,构建突发环境事件损失价值评估框架。
Assessment of Occupational Noise-induced Hearing Loss with Three Methods Examination and significance of ABR in non-deafness tinnitus patients 听力检测3种方法联合评价职业性噪声聋的效果无听力损失耳鸣患者听性脑干反应检测及意义
Fuzzy assessment of economic loss by marine disaster& A case study of storm tide disaster 海洋灾害经济损失的模糊测定&以风暴潮为例
The assessment of aquaculture loss caused by red tides 赤潮灾害对水产养殖业损失的分级评估
Sensitivity assessment of soil and water loss in Anshan based on GIS 基于GIS的鞍山市水土流失敏感性评价
Assessment of economic loss resulted from geological disasters in Xinning County, Hunan Province 湖南省新宁县地质灾害经济损失评估
Conduct timely assessment of loss survey and lay a solid foundation for post-disaster reconstruction. 及时开展灾害损失调查摸底,为灾后恢复重建打下基础。
Assessment methods of disaster economic loss 灾害经济损失评估理论与方法探讨
Frangibility analysis of water supply in regional agriculture and assessment of its quantitative loss 区域农业水分供应脆弱性分析及定量损失评估
Study on Advanced Assessment of Flood Disaster Loss in Lower Reaches of Huanghe River Losses estimation on riverine sediment hazard 黄河下游洪水灾害损失预估研究河流泥沙灾害损失评估
An Assessment Method of the Loss in Prestress Caused by Columns 多排柱引起梁、板预应力损失的估算方法
Assessment of Economic Loss Due to Health Impact of Air Pollution in City of Liaoning Province 辽宁城市大气污染造成的居民健康损失及其货币化估计
Assessment of dry weight loss; ( 3) Determination of molecular mass of polymers by gel permeation chromatography; 测定干燥失重:(3)凝胶渗透色谱法测定聚合物的平均相对分子量;
Standardizing the assessment of the loss by the red tide calamity; 规范赤潮灾害损失的评估管理;
Assessment of yield loss due to the bacterial leaf streak of rice 水稻细菌性条斑病产量损失估计
Effect of acidic deposition on agriculture of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi provinces& assessment of agricultural loss 苏、浙、皖、闽、湘、鄂、赣7省酸沉降农业危害&农业损失估算
Preliminary assessment of economic loss caused by water pollution in Dongting lake 洞庭湖水污染环境经济损害初步评价
Review on development of assessment of flood damage loss 洪灾损失评估的研究进展
The model consists of 4 submodels: rice growth. disease development prediction, assessment of loss caused by RSB, application of fungicide management decision. 该模型由早稻生长、病情进展预测、作物受害损失估计和用药管理决策四个子模型组成。
Assessment of Economic Loss Caused by Air Pollution of Lanzhou 兰州市大气污染造成的经济损失估算
An Assessment of Grain Loss Caused by Meteorological Disasters in Fujian Province 福建省气象灾害粮食损失量的评估
An Approach to Assessment of Railway Economic Loss from Disaster 铁路受灾经济损失评估方法探讨
An assessment method of the loss in prestress which is caused by the influence of lateral structures is produced. 提出了一种计算竖向结构的侧限作用导致梁、板预应力损失的估算方法。
This method combines the remote sensing technology with the model for assessing the flood loss and gives the more precise assessment of the flood loss. 结果表明,以GIS技术为支持,采用平面模拟方法进行洪水淹没范围和水深分布的模拟是可行的,使遥感监测与一般洪涝灾害损失评估模型比较好地结合,得出更准确的灾情损失评估结果。
Through interactive analysis of graphics and attribute, various wetland data of Poyang Lake will be visualized, this provide fast and accurate service information for protecting Poyang Lake wetland and management. Finally, the Poyang Lake wetland data visualization applies to the assessment of flooded loss. 通过图形和属性的互动分析,将鄱阳湖湿地各类数据进行了可视化,为鄱阳湖湿地保护与管理提供了快速、准确的服务信息。4最后将鄱阳湖湿地数据可视化应用到洪水淹没损失评估中。
In the paper introduced some of current assessment theories of the loss of income and methods of assessment models. Based on these valuable theories and methods, set up a assessment system for storm surge disaster. 在论文中介绍了当前的一些收入损失评估的理论和建立评估模型的方法,根据这些宝贵的理论和方法,建立了风暴潮灾害评估体系。
In instinct, the genuine saving method is a deformation of green GDP, the most important work is the monetary assessment of the loss of resource depletion and environmental pollution on the basis of the existing GDP, which is also the biggest difficulty about the genuine saving. 真实储蓄测度方法从本质上来说还是一种绿色GDP的变形,它最重要的工作是在现有GDP的基础上对资源损耗与环境污染损失进行货币化评估。这也是真实储蓄测度最大的难点。
The types of forest resources and their loss in Beijing were classified; an assessment system of forest resource loss, including five groups and sixteen subgroups, was formed. 3. 进行了森林资源损失和北京地区森林类型的科学划分,形成了森林资源损失的五大类16亚类的分类评估体系;构建了森林资源损失额的评估结构和估价模型。